Want to be booked and busy pronto? Let’s set up your services. Navigate to the business drop-down and select > Manage > Services:
Once you arrive on your services page, you can add your services here.
To remove a service, simply select Edit > Delete.
Set Transition Time in Between Appointments
Need more time preparing for your next client in between appointments? Add time between your appointments with these 3 easy steps:
- From your email pull-down menu, select Services/Products.
- Now that you’re in Services, select Edit from the service you would like to add a transition time to.
5. Select the Providers who offer this service. In the example below, both providers offer this service. Select or de-select those who offer the service.
If the provider is selected as not offering this service, it will not be as bookable on the calendar, or schedulable by the provider for online booking.
Add Video Appointments as a Service
To offer video conferencing and virtual appointments to your service list, click on the service type and chose “Virtual:
- Select the Virtual to enable this service as a video conferencing service
- Click Save. Now you have created a service in the form of video conferencing.
To activate the video conferencing feature on your account, contact our support team.