The innovative booking widget provides a smooth 24/7 booking experience for your clients while tracking their buying behavior through Google Analytics.
🎥 Before we begin, it is always effective to visualize the process of this booking tool. We recommend watching the Widget in action.
As you just saw, using the widget to book appointments, clients can select their:
Provider – The client can select multiple providers at once and apply filters based on various parameters. The option to search and view detailed information is available in “Full View”:
Availability – Your client has the option to filter out times, dates, and even the type of provider they desire. The booking Widget naturally displays the earliest available time for “today”. If no available time is available for this day, the widget conveniently displays the next slot that is available:
Filter Appointments by “Time of Day” – When browsing to book for services, availability can be customized by the provider, time, location, or service but also “Time of the day” or “Days of the week”. As outlined in the below capture, clients can now expedite their search by customizing the time of day (or day of the week) that works best:
Multi-Service Appointment – The flexibility to book multiple services at once with the same provider or pick and choose a provider for each service. The savvy booking tool will find the best available time {within parameters} to accommodate multiple services subsequently.
Multi-Location Capability – If you have more than one location, this will be ideal for you. Multi-location allows:
- Selecting single or multiple locations depending on proximity or service preference
- Select the location most suitable by either earliest availability, preferred staff member, type of service offered, etc.
- View a map of locations
- Receive booking confirmation and reminders for the appointment with location details
Special Requests – While the client is finalizing their appointment, they can add notes and special requests for the service provider to see in advance of their visit.