To connect your Microsoft Outlook calendar into Yocale, follow the steps below:
Once logged into your Yocale account, navigate to the Calendar > Business Calendar page.
Select “Tools” then “Provider Tools”> Click on the Integration icon
Click on the Connect button in Outlook Calendar. Note: You must have pop-ups enabled or else you won’t be able to access the login window.
Enter in your Outlook login information to sync your account
Once connected, your account will show below:
Yocale to Outlook
Confirmed appointments in Yocale will show up on your Outlook calendar:
Time Off booked in Yocale will show up on your Outlook calendar:
Outlook to Yocale
Booked events in Outlook will show up on your Yocale calendar:
Syncing Information
When you first sync your calendar, Yocale will import all outlook events from now (up until the next 6 months) into your Yocale calendar.
If for some reason you notice a discrepancy of what is being pulled into Yocale from Outlook, try to disable the Outlook integration, and re-enable the integration