Modifying Yocale and adjusting them to be exactly what you've been looking for!
From color-coding your calendar to charging a customer for a no-show!
To maximize your bookings, customer retention, staff satisfaction and revenue.
To get the most out of Yocale software, and to work on your business, not in it!
It’s exciting, isn’t it? If this is what you’re hoping to achieve, you have landed exactly where you need to be. Follow along with us as we go over the core components of getting your business set up and running on Yocale in less than 30 minutes.
We partner you with a dedicated account manager to provide immeasurable support, so that you have a direct, single point of contact for all of the questions and needs. Gone are the days of calling a general phone number and speaking to several different customer service representatives, having to explain your issues or needs to each rep who is not familiar with your account.
Susan – Massage therapy owner